Friday, 2 January 2015

New year, new me?

First things first, my name is Emma, I'm 20 years old and I'm from a small town near Manchester.

Okay, so I am completely aware that the whole 'new year, new me' thing is a load of rubbish. No, just because we write a different number for the date does not mean I am a new person who can completely restart my life. However, there is something somewhat hopeful about a new year, hence the reason I started this blog, and hence the name of my blog. I won't go into the boring details of the crappy year I just experienced, because I want to focus on the wonderful year that hopefully lays ahead of me. The way I see it, whether you decide you want to turn your life around on January 1st, or April 21st, or September 15th, it's a pretty exciting and refreshing feeling. Quite simply, I refuse to have a year like 2014, in which I spent far too much time dwelling on the negatives rather than focusing on the positives. I am a very privileged person, in that I have great friends and family surrounding me, I'm studying at university, I have a part time job. I need to learn to appreciate that more.

So, here we go, I'm going to do the oh so cliche thing of writing my New Years Resolutions down. Now, I have refused to make any for the past couple of years, because I thought 'well I'll never achieve them anyway', and thinking about it now, that is exactly where I was going wrong. And so this year, I'm going to make resolutions, and I'm going to try my best to keep them!

1. To be a better person

I'm aware that this is an extremely broad concept, and I know you can't just turn around and say 'yeah I'm going to be better than I am now' because it just doesn't happen like that. But, I know for a fact that in 2014 I didn't treat some people the way I should have, and at times I was a pretty unpleasant person to know and be around. I want to be more selfless this year, yet I want to be aware of the fact that I can't sacrifice my own happiness to please everyone else. It's all about balance, and that is something I want to do better this year.

2. To be a more positive person

I am most definitely a glass half empty kind of girl, and it has become clear to me that being that way really isn't the most beneficial of attitudes.. Let's face it, if you always look at the things negatively then you are never going to feel positive about things! If something is hard I need to stop thinking 'it's too difficult, I give up' and think 'how can I get around this issue?' This also ties in with number 1, as being more positive will make me a better person!

3. To work hard

This applies to many things. To work in general. To university, which I admittedly do not enjoy very much, yet I want to succeed in it and therefore I need to get my head down and focus (let's ignore the massive pile of work I am currently avoiding..). It also applies to Scouting, an organisation I have been involved with for all of my life, but this year I am taking on new roles, taking on new adventures and hopefully I can be part of that all important change in the development of Scouting!

I think 3 resolutions is plenty to work on, especially when they're as broad as mine. I don't want to overwhelm myself with ridiculous and unrealistic goals that I will simply be disappointed in and give up on. So, I think I'm pretty satisfied with what I have come up with, and I suppose we shall see what the year brings.

Here's to 2015!
Emma x

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